Saturday, February 24, 2007

FAQ about the EarthEchoes Blog & Trond Lovdal

I have recently received a couple of questions about the blog (formerly and myself from new readers. To answer these questions I have developed this simple blog FAQ on Hopefully it will explain a bit more about why I created this blog.

Why did I create the EarthEchoes blog?

Realizing how societies and people abuse the global environment and thus create global climate change and other environmental calamities that impact our home "Earth" I have decided to make environmental work my life's purpose and career and to do my best to be a positive force and not a contributor to global climate change. This is what this blog is all about: Being a positive force in changing people's attitudes and behavior with regards to the environment.

On April 12, 2007 the blog was renamed EarthEchoes. This name reflects the fact that earth communicates indirectly what is going on by sending us signals via climate change and extreme weather patterns. Earth's web of life does the same as we see one species after another falling prey to human ignorance and greed. These echoes reverbarates and we need to listen before it is too late. Hence the name EarthEchoes.

What is my personal motto and why this one?

One life - live it! One earth - protect it! (Think about it).

Why this motto? the way I see it we have one life here and now and we should live it to the fullest. But we also must recognize that we have only one earth here and now and therefore to live our lives to the fullest we must do so responsibly and in ways that protect our one earth. As with a human life, so with our earth: There are no second chances, once dead always dead. Therefore, we cannot keep extracting and polluting our earth the way we are because it is the only one we have. Earth is not like a suit that after it gets worn and soiled we can just throw it away and buy a new one. I do not know of any shop that sells new earths (even if we could afford to buy one). Therefore we must live our lives responsibly and in ways that regenerates earth's resources and does not deplete the environment. This is our challenge! Think about it and then act on it before it is too late.

1 comment:

Nepali Akash said...

Hey Trond,

We need more people like you. Your blog passionately tells us how serious you are in the cause of saving the environment. Our support is obvious.

Good Luck and Keep blogging